I was fortunate enough to see it first on a big screen. A couple of impressions: the cinematography was amazing and as been mentioned here several times, tells much of the story on its own. Harrison Ford was, of course, well known, and Joanna Cassidy and M. Emmett Walsh were not unfamiliar faces, but, to me at least, the others were unknowns - even the gender. Who was Sean Young, Darryl Hannah? This added to the feeling of mystery in the film; sometimes you know what's going to happen to a character ("they can't kill him off too early, he's too big a star"). But here, you couldn't be sure what lurked in the next scene.
It was film noir in science fiction form. There are so many things to see, and to interpret. Personally, I don't see Deckard as a replicant, there are too many things left unexplained. And I like the original ending and its voice over. Without it, the sequel (a decent film in its own right) becomes meaningless.