John Reid
May 20, 2021

Your article brings up some profound concepts about free speech and is very laudable. But I think it unfair to use Debs and Skokie as contrasting examples. The two took place nearly 60 years apart, in virtuallly different Americas. When Debs made his speech, the Sedition Act of 1918 was in effect (it was repealed in 1920). In 1978, America was less than a decade removed from a period where free speech was recognized as a right.

If your main point is to say that the far right usually gets the benefit of free speech while the left doesn't, I won't argue with you. But you should use a more current example than Debs (although what was done to him was truly a misccarriage of justice). Maybe Bobby Seale or the Chicago 7 would be a better contrast?

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